1. 「運送人」とは、運送状を発行する航空運送人と、当該運送状に応じて貨物の運送又は運送を買収する航空運送人又は当該航空運送に関連して付随的なサービスを提供する航空運送人を含み、「 「キューエクスプレス」をいう。
4. 「貨物」とは、ソン・ハインがキューエクスプレスに国際貨物輸送を委託した物品をいう。
6. 「荷受人」とは、運送人から貨物を引き渡す者として運送状に声明が明示されている者をいう。
11. 「料金」とは、運賃算出のために設定した単位当たりの金額をいう。これは、貨物の重量(または体積)に基づいて設定されたもので、キューエクスプレスが通常使用するレート表を介して開示されます。
13. 「日」とは、祝日を含む総カレンダー日数をいう。ただし、通知に対する日数計算においては、通知した日は算入せず、通知期間の末日が祝日の場合には、その翌日に期間が満了する。
1. 貨物は、キューエクスプレスの集荷センターに受け取られる時間から(キューエクスプレス職員による訪問受取の場合、受取が完了した時間)、荷送人が指定した手荷物に運送のために買収されるものである。
2. キューエクスプレスは、貨物の容積、内容、価格等が国際貨物運送、集荷、配達サービスを行うのに適していないと判断した場合には、当該サービスの提供を拒否することができる。
3. キューエクスプレスは、荷送人又は荷受人の代理人として又は手荷物の費用負担で当該運送及び配送を他機関に依頼することができる。
4. キューエクスプレスは、適切なすべての努力を傾けて、荷送人の住所から貨物を集荷し、荷物の住所に配送する。
荷送人は(顧客)は運送状の各項を正確に記載しなければならない。 ① 荷送人の住所、氏名または商号、電話番号 ② 荷物の住所、氏名または商号、電話番号 ③ 運送物品名、数量、物品価格 ④ 運送上の特別注意事項
3. 記載内容に対する責任
4 )当該貨物が人、航空機、他貨物又は財産に危険を与えたり、又は旅客に不便を及ぼすこと
4. 貨物の検査
1) 関税、付加価値税、国内消費税、除細工課金を含む諸手数料及び過怠料等
2) 貨物包装の犬、補修による費用
3) 貨物を出発地に返送する費用
4) その他のサービス料金
3. 運賃及び料金の基礎
4. 適用区間
5. 運送価格の届出
荷送人は、全ての貨物に対して運送状に運送価格を申告しなければならず、そのような運送価格の届出はCIF Value(運賃〮保険料含む条件)としなければならない。
6. 運賃および料金の支払い
1) 運賃及び料金は、「全運賃料金」として運賃、通関料、倉庫料、保管料、国内配送料及び諸手数料等を含む。
2) 運賃及び料金の全額、又はキューエクスプレスが貸払いされた、又はキューエクスプレスにより発生した手数料、公課金、税金、諸費用、前払金その他キューエクスプレスに支払うべき金額は、貨物が紛失された若しくは損傷された若しくは運送状に記載されている目的地空港に到着できなかったとしても、全面的にキューエクスプレスの収入とみなされる。
3) 荷送人は、すべての運賃及び料金及び次の各号の事由により、キューエクスプレスが支払った又は負担するすべての経費、過怠料等に対してその支払を保証しなければならない。
4) 荷送人により前払いされた場合を除き、手荷物は、貨物を引き渡されたり、運送契約により発生する如何なる権利を行使することにより、すべての未払い運賃及び料金、費用、罰金、過料等の支払に同意する。しかし、このような同意が当該金額に対する送荷人の支払債務を免除するものではない。キューエクスプレスは、上記の各項のために貨物への誘致権を有し、当該支払が行われない場合、その貨物をオークションまたは任意売却処分(通常の方法で通知しなければならない)、当該売却代金として、当該未払金額の全部又は一部に充当する権利を有する。
5) 利用プラットフォームによって運賃の支払形態は異なってもよい。スマート配送サービスは充電されたTxMoneyで運賃が差し引かれ、キューエクスプレスで送荷人に送料返金が必要な状況にTxMoneyで賠償支給になることができる。
7. 料金およびプリペイドチャージ(TxMoney)ポリシー
1) 会社が提供するサービスを利用するための前払い充電金の購入は、以下を通じて行うことができる。行く。クレジットカード決済私。その他に会社が提供する手段
2) 会社が提供する前払い料金の決済手段は、会社の方針上変更されることがあります。変更された場合は、公知事項を通じて公知する。
3) 払い戻し
行く。 TxMoneyの充電後に一部の金額を使用した場合、残りのTxMoney残高の部分払い戻しは許可されません。
私。 TracX Logisサービスの脱退時に残ったTxMoney残高の払い戻し金額に対して、諸費用で10%の手数料が控除された金額を返金することができる。
1. 到着通知
2. 引渡場所
3. 荷物の引渡し
4. 代理人による受取時の確認義務
5. 手荷物による受取拒否
2) 荷送人は、貨物を引き渡せなかった事実に起因するすべての費用に対して責任を負う。貨物が出発国のキューエクスプレス集荷センターに返送されているが、送荷人が支払を拒否したり、返送後15日以内に当該支払を行なわない場合には、キューエクスプレスは運送状に記載された住所の送荷人に処分する旨を10日前に通知そしてオークションまたは任意売却による貨物の全部または一部を処分することができる。
3) 貨物売却の場合には、キューエクスプレスは当該売却代金を有し、キューエクスプレス及び他の運送機関に対する前払金、費用及び売却経費の支払に充当することができ、残高がある場合、これを保管し、荷送人の指示を待つ。当該貨物の売却は、キューエクスプレスに対する不足額の支払債務において送荷人の支払債務を免除するものではない。
1. キューエクスプレスは、貨物の破損、紛失による損害が、キューエクスプレスの故意または過失により発生したものであると証明されない、荷送人、荷物またはその他の人のすべての損害に対して責任を負わない。
2. キューエクスプレスの責任による貨物の破損、紛失が立証された場合 市急エクスプレスは貨物当たり最大USD 100限度内で賠償が可能であり、輸出申告価格や輸入申告価格のうち低い価格を上限として実際の損害額の範囲内で補償する。特定の出荷区間の賠償限度は低くなる可能性があります。また、キューエクスプレスに集荷されて郵便局を通じて発送される貨物の補償は、郵便局で公示した損害賠償規定に基づき賠償を進める。
3. 貨物の一部滅失又は毀損に対するキューエクスプレの損害賠償責任は、送荷人が運送物を受領した日から7日以内にその一部滅失又は毀損に関する事実を通知しない限り消滅する。
4. キューエクスプレスが適用法令、政府規制、命令又は指示を遵守することにより、キューエクスプレスが管理できない事由で又は送荷人、手荷人及びその他の人が、当該適用法令、政府規制、命令又は指示に従わないことにより直接又は間接的に発生した損害について、運送人は責任を負わない。
5. キューエクスプレスは、貨物の破損、紛失または損傷がその貨物自体の欠陥または特性により生じたと証明される場合には責任を負わない。送荷人は、キューエクスプレスホームページに掲載された包装ガイドの基準に従い、包装ガイド通りに包装されるのでない貨物については、キューエクスプレスで責任を負わない。
6. キューエクスプレスは、貨物がキューエクスプレス集荷センターに到着した後から当該貨物に対する輸送責任を有する。
7. キューエクスプレスは、下記のようにキューエクスプレスが統制できない状況により発生した損失及び損害に対しては責任を負わない。
3) 荷送人、荷受人又は第三者等の作為若しくは副作為による損失及び損害
4) 電気や磁力による電子製品や写真画像、資料、記録等への損傷及び消滅
5) ブランドコピー商品、動植物検疫等の規制物品等が到着地到着後、税関検査等により発見され、最終的に輸入不可判定を受けて廃棄されたり、搬送措置がなされた場合損害が発生した場合
1. 貨物を引き渡す正当な権利を有する者が異議を提起せず、貨物を買収するときは、その貨物は反証がない限り、良好な状態で運送契約により引渡されたものとみなす。
2. 貨物の紛失、損傷の場合には、その貨物を引き渡す正当な権利を有する者が運送人に賠償請求仕様を書かれ、又は電子メールで提出しなければならない。
1) 損害または一部紛失の場合には、発見直後または貨物を買収した日から7日以内
2) 全ての紛失を含め、配達不能の場合は入庫日から14日以内、但し郵便局サービス(EMS、K-packet等)の場合は入庫日から60日以内
3. キューエクスプレスは、貨物の破損、遅延等による営業損失、利子、効用性、市場性の減少など間接損害に対しては発生可能性の有無にかかわらず責任を負わない。
1. 本約款、運送状又はその他で適用する規定が適用法令、政府規制、命令又は指示に違反する場合には、そのような規定は、適用法令、政府規制、命令又は指示に抵触しない範囲内で有効である。
2. 本約款に定めない事項については、当事者間の信義誠実の原則に従って協議して紛争を解決し、協議がなされない場合には、関連法規に従って処理する。
1、 “承运人”包括签发航空货运单的航空承运人以及所有承运或承诺承运货物或提供与相关航空运输相关的任何其他服务的承运人,指TracX Logis。
本文中的 TracX Logis 统指位于新加坡、韩国、日本、中国和美国等国家的 TracX Logis 法人
2、“航空运单”(以下简称“运单”)是指托运人或者TracX Logis代表托运人订立的国际货物运输的证明托运人与TracX Logis之间运输合同的凭证,包括由 TracX Logis 自动化设备制作的任何类型的标签、运单或托运单,均受这些条款的约束。
4、“货物”是指托运人委托TracX Logis进行国际货物运输的货物。
5、“托运人”,相当于“发货人”,是指运单上出现的名称的人,作为与TracX Logis签订货物运输合同的一方。
11、“运价”是指为计算运费而设定的单位运价。它是根据货物的重量(或体积)而设置的,并通过 TracX Logis 通常使用的运费表公布。
13、 “天数”是指包括节假日在内的日历天总数:但在计算通知天数时,不包括通知日期,如果通知期的结束日期是节假日,则以期限将于次日届满。
1、 申请
本条款适用于TracX Logis的国际货物运输。
2、 变更恕不另行通知
虽然这些条款和适用的资费规定如有变更,恕不另行通知,但适用法律或政府法规或命令另有规定的情况除外,此类变更应以变更之日起 1 周内在主页上的公告为准;但运单签发之日后的任何变更均不适用于相关运输合同。
1、货物在TracX Logis提货中心验收时(TracX Logis工作人员上门验收的为完成验收时间),即视为已由发货人指定的收货人接收。
2、TracX Logis认为车托的体积、内容、价格等不适合履行国际货物运输、提货、派送服务的,可以拒绝提供相关服务。
3、TracX Logis可以委托其他机构作为托运人或收货人的代理人进行相关运输和交付,或者费用由收货人承担。
4、 TracX Logis 应尽一切适当努力在任何托运人的地址提取货物并将该货物交付至收货人的地址。
1、 发货人准备运单
托运人应当按照TracX Logis规定的格式、方式和份数制作运单,并在TracX Logis接受货物运输的同时将运单交付给TracX Logis,并且TracX Logis已代为制作运单。托运人应当通过电子数据等方式正确提交所有信息,防止其中的条目或条目详情不合法或不正确。
(1) 托运人的地址、姓名或商号以及电话号码;
(2) 收货人的地址、姓名或者商号、电话号码;
2、通过TracX Logis准备、填写或更正运单
TracX Logis可在托运人明示或默示同意的情况下制作运单。在这种情况下,除非有相反证据,托运人应被视为已制作运单。如果随货物移交的运单未包含所有必需的详细信息,或者如果运单或此类详细信息或陈述存在任何错误,TracX Logis 有权尽其所能填写或更正运单,但不承担任何义务这样做。
无论是由托运人制作运单还是由TracX Logis代为制作运单,因所提供的资料和陈述不规范、不正确或不完整而给TracX Logis及其他利害关系人造成的一切损失均由发件人承担。托运人。
运单上的文字部分损坏或被承运人以外的任何人更改的,TracX Logis 无需接受。
TracX Logis不接受以下货物的运输:
1) 飞抵、飞越、经停国家的法律、法规禁止运输或者进出口相关货物的;
2) 相关货物被国际航空运输协会(IATA)、国际民用航空组织(ICAO)或任何其他机构规定禁止或限制的有害物质、危险品或货物(“危险品”)的相关组织;
4) 有关货物可能危及任何人、飞机、任何其他货物或财产,或者对旅客造成滋扰的;
5) 假货、动物、金条、现金、有价证券、贵金属、武器、爆炸物、人体遗骸、色情或毒品等;
7) 1包相关货物的最长边长度超过150cm,或者1包相关货物的宽、长、高之和超过160cm;或者
因不遵守禁止托运货物运输条件而造成的责任应由托运人承担,托运人应对 TracX Logis 进行赔偿,为 TracX Logis 辩护,并使 TracX Logis 免受因此类运输而造成的任何损害。无法将货物交付收货人的,TracX Logis应以货到付款的方式将货物退还给托运人。
托运人拒绝退回或无法退回托运人的,TracX Logis有权处置相关货物。托运人应承担卡托退回和处置过程中产生的所有退回运费、关税、税金、仓储费和处置费等费用。
TracX Logis 保留在打开货物后检查内容的权利,但 TracX Logis 没有义务这样做。此外,此类检查行为并不保证相关飞机的运输不违反任何起飞、飞往、经停或经停国家的法律或法规。
本条款适用的运输费率和费用应以 TracX Logis 和托运人另行制定的运价费率和费用为准。变更后的运费视为以TracX Logis首页公布的运费为准。
托运人托运货物即视为委托TracX Logis计量货物尺寸,根据计量改变配送方式的,运费差额不予退还。
2) TracX Logis 已产生或产生或将产生的运费和费用总额,或费用、水电费、税金、收费和预付款,以及应付给 TracX Logis 的任何其他款项,将被视为完全赚取,无论货物是否丢失或损坏,或未能到达运单上指定的目的港。
3) 托运人应保证支付所有运费和费用,以及因下列任何一项而导致 TracX Logis 已支付或将要承担的所有费用和罚金:
4) 通过接收货物或行使运输合同产生的任何其他权利,收货人同意支付所有未支付的运费和费用、开支、罚款和罚金等,除非托运人预付。但该协议并不免除托运人支付相关金额的义务。 TracX Logis 对上述每项货物均享有留置权,并且在未付款的情况下,有权以公开或私人出售的方式处置货物(前提是在此类出售之前 TracX Logis 应已通知)以普通方式(按照运单中规定的地址)向托运人或收货人发送),并从此类销售的收益中支付任何及所有此类金额。
5) 运费支付方式可能因所使用的平台而异。对于智能配送服务,运费将通过收取的TxMoney进行扣除,在TracX Logis需要向发货人退还运费的情况下,可以通过TxMoney进行赔偿。
7、收费和预付收费政策 (TxMoney)
1) 使用本公司提供的服务的预付费用可以通过以下方式购买:
2) 公司提供的预付费用的支付方式可能会根据公司政策而改变。如有变更,应当以公告形式予以公告:
3) 退款
A、如果 TxMoney 充值后使用了部分金额,则不允许对剩余的 TxMoney 余额进行部分退款。
B、如果您退出TracX Logis服务,您可以获得扣除10%费用后剩余的TxMoney余额退款金额。
TracX Logis 没有义务向收货人发出到达通知。
除非托运人或收货人与 TracX Logis 事先另有约定,收货人应按照运单上指定的地址接受交付并领取货件。
当货物交付给收货人的代理人或任何被视为其代理人的人时,TracX Logis 应识别谁实际接收了货物。如果托运人提出要求,TracX Logis 应证明谁接收了货物。
1) 如果货物到达交货地点后收货人拒绝提货,TracX Logis 将尽力遵守运单上载明的托运人的任何指示。如果未明确规定或无法合理遵守该等指示,TracX Logis应通知托运人收货人未能提货的原因,并可在托管后将货物分批或多批公开或私下出售。发货时间至少为 90 天。
2) 托运人应承担因未能提货而产生的或与之相关的所有费用和开支。如果货件被退回始发国家的TracX Logis提货中心,并且寄件人拒绝付款或未能在退回后15天内付款,TracX Logis可以在公共场所或公共场所处置该货件或其任何部分。提前 10 天通知托运人其有意这样做后进行私人出售。
3) 如果按照上述规定出售货物,TracX Logis 有权从出售所得款项中向自身和其他运输服务支付 TracX Logis 和其他运输服务的所有费用、预付款和开支加上销售成本,根据托运人的指示持有任何剩余部分。然而,相关货物的出售并不免除托运人向 TracX Logis 支付缺陷的任何赔偿责任。
2、货物破损或丢失经证明是TracX Logis责任的,TracX Logis可在每件货物100美元的限额内进行赔偿,并按实际损坏金额以出口报关单中较低者为限进行赔偿价格或进口报关价格。某个转发段的补偿限额可能会更低。另外,通过邮局寄出的货物经TracX Logis提货后,按照邮局公布的《损坏赔偿规定》进行赔偿。
3、自收货人收货之日起7日内,托运人未通知货物部分灭失或损坏的事实的,TracX Logis对货物部分灭失或损坏的赔偿责任消灭。
4、由于 TracX Logis 遵守适用的法律、政府法规、命令或指示,或者由于 TracX Logis 未能遵守此类适用的法律,承运商不对由于 TracX Logis 无法控制的任何原因而直接或间接造成的任何损害承担责任。政府法规、托运人、收货人或任何其他人的命令或指示。
5、经证明,任何破损、丢失或损坏是由于货物固有缺陷或特性造成的,TracX Logis不承担责任。托运人应遵守TracX Logis主页公布的包装指南标准,TracX Logis对未按照包装指南包装的货物不承担责任。
因托运人未遵守本规定而给TracX Logis造成的损失和费用,托运人和收货人应当赔偿。
6、货物到达TracX Logis提货中心后,TracX Logis负责相关货物的运输。
自发货人转发之日起超过14天或发货人未能提供足够材料的,TracX Logis可以拒绝调查请求,并且对任何库存货物不承担任何责任。
7、因TracX Logis无法控制的下列情况而造成的损失或损害,TracX Logis不承担责任:
1) 不可抗力(地震、风暴、洪水、大雾、战争、飞机失事、封锁出入境、骚乱、罢工等);
2) 汽车的性质、缺陷、特征或潜在缺陷;
3) 由于托运人、收货人或任何第三方等的任何作为或不作为或不作为而造成的任何损失和损害;
4) 电子产品或摄影图像、数据、记录等因电力或磁力而损坏或删除;
5) 假冒名牌产品或者动植物检疫限制货物经禁止进口裁定后已报废或者退回的;或者
6) 因提交资料错误而造成多缴关税等损失的。
1) 如果货物有任何损坏或部分丢失,应在发现后立即且最迟自收到货物之日起 7 天内;
2) 如果货物未送达(包括全损),则自货物应到达目的地之日起 14 天内:但如果是邮局服务(EMS、K-packet 等) ),60 天内。
3、TracX Logis在任何情况下均不对因货物破损或延误等原因造成的任何间接包括但不限于业务、利益、效用的损失、适销性下降等承担责任,无论承运人与否明知可能会发生此类损失或损害。
当社は、顧客が輸出法に違反していると疑われる場合、関連規制当局に報告する権利がある。 下記の法に含みます、必ずしも限定されるわけではありません。(i) The United States Department of Commerce, specifically the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) (ii) the United States Department of State, specifically the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) (iii) 欧州連合の適切な当局(iv) 他の国際及び国内関連規制機関
1. (A) Subject to sub-clause (B) below, all services of the Company whether gratuitous or not are subject to these Conditions.
(i) The provisions of Part I shall apply to all such services.
(ii) The provisions of Part II shall only apply to the extent that such services are provided by the Company as agents.
(iii) The provisions of Part III shall only apply to the extent that such services are provided by the Company as principals.
(B) Where a document bearing a title of or including "bill of lading" (whether or not negotiable), or "waybill" is issued by or on behalf of the Company and provides that the Company contracts as carrier, the provisions set out in such document shall be paramount in so far as such provisions are inconsistent with these Conditions.
(C) Every variation, cancellation or waiver of these Conditions must be in writing signed by a Director of the Company. Notice is hereby given that no other person has or will be given any authority whatsoever to agree to any variation, cancellation or waiver of these Conditions.
2. All services are provided by the Company as agents except in the following circumstances where the Company acts as principal:
(A) where the company performs any carriage, handling or storage of Goods but only to the extent that the carriage is performed by the Company itself or its servants and the Goods are in the actual custody and control of the Company, or
(B) where prior to the commencement of the carriage of Goods the Customer in writing demands from the Company particulars of the identity, services or charges of persons instructed by the Company to perform part or all of the carriage, the Company shall be deemed to be contracting as a principal in respect of that part of the carriage in respect of which the Company fails to give such particulars demanded within 28 days of the Company's receipt of such demand, or
(C) to the extent that the Company expressly agrees in writing to act as a principal, or
(D) to the extent that the Company is held by a court of law to have acted as a principal.
3. Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 2,
(A) the charging by the Company of a fixed price for a service or services of whatsoever nature shall not in itself determine or be evidence that the Company is acting as an agent or a principal in respect of such service or services;
(B) the supplying by the Company of their own or leased equipment shall not in itself determine or be evidence that the Company in acting as an agent or a principal in respect of any carriage, handling or storage of Goods;
(C) the Company acts as an agent where the Company procures a bill of lading or other document evidencing a contract of carriage between a person, other than the Company, and the Customer or Owner;
(D) the Company acts as an agent and never as a principal when providing services in respect of or relating to customs requirements, taxes, licenses, consular documents, certificates of origin, inspection, certificates and other similar services.
4. In these conditions
(A) 「Company」 is KC International logistics group of companies, including Korchina and KDS companies
(B) "Customer" means any person at whose request or on whose behalf the Company provides a service;
(C) 「Person」 includes persons or any body or bodys corporate;
(D) 「Owner」 includes the owner, shipper and consignee of the Goods and any other person who is or may become interested in the Goods and anyone acting on their behalf;
(E) "Authority": A duly constituted legal or administrative person, acting within its legal powers and exercising jurisdiction within any nation, state, municipality, port or airport;
(F) 「Goods」 includes the cargo and any container not supplied by or on behalf of the Company, in respect of which the Company provides services;
(G) "Container" includes any container, flexi tank, trailer, transportable tank, flat, pallet or any article of transport used to carry or consolidate goods and any equipment of or connected thereto;
(H) "Dangerous includes goods which are or may become of Goods” dangerous, inflammable, radio-active or damaging nature and goods likely to harbour or encourage vermin or other pests;
(I) "Hague Rules" means the provisions of the International Convention for the Unification of certain rules relating to Bills of Lading signed at Brussels on 25th August 1924;
(J) "Instructions" means a statement of the Customers specific requirements.
(K) 「SDR」 refers to a Special Drawing Right. The SDR shall be as defined by International Monetary Fund and the value of a SDR shall be calculated as at the date when settlement is agreed or judgement.
Obligations of Customer
5. The Customer warrants that he is either the Owner or the authorised agent of the Owner of the Goods and that he is authorised to accept and is accepting these Conditions not only for himself but also as agent for and on behalf of the Owner良いです。
6. The Customer warrants that he has reasonable knowledge of matters affecting the conduct of his business, including but not limited to be the terms of sale and purchase of the Goods and all other matters relating thereto.
7. The Customer shall give sufficient and executable instructions.
8. The Customer warrants that the description and particulars of the Goods are complete and correct.
9. The Customer warrants that the Goods are properly packed and labelled, except where the Company has accepted instructions in respect of such services.
Special Instructions, Goods and Services
10. (A) Unless otherwise previously agreed in writing, the Customer shall not deliver to the Company or cause the Company to deal with or handle Dangerous Goods.
(B) If the Customer is in breach of sub-clause (A) above he shall be liable for all loss or damage whatsoever caused by or to or in connection with the Goods howsoever arising and shall defensa, indemnify and hold harmless the Company a all penalties, claims, damages, costs and expenses whatsoever arising in connection therewith and the goods may without notice be destroyed or otherwise dealt with at the sole discretion of the Company or any other person in whose custody they may be.
(C) If the Company agrees to accept Dangerous Goods and then in the opinion of the Company or any other person they constitute a risk to other goods, property, life or health they may without notice be destroyed or otherwise dealt with at the expense of the Customer or Owner.
11. The Customer undertakes not to tender for transportation any Goods which require temperature control without previously giving written notice of their nature and particular temperature range to be maintained and in the case of a temperature controlled Container stuffed by or on behalf that the Container has been properly pre-cooled or preheated as appropriate, that the Goods have been properly stuffed in the container and that its thermostatic controls have been properly set by the Customer. If the above requirements are not complied with the Company shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to the Goods caused by such non-compliance.
12. No insurance will be effected except upon express instructions given in writing by the Customer and all insurances effected by the Company are subject to the usual exceptions and conditions of the policies of the insurance Company or underwriters taking the risk. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Company shall not be under any obligation to effect a separate insurance on each consignment but may declare it on any open or general policy. The Company is an agent in respect of the effecting of insurance and should the insurers dispute their liability for any reason the insured shall have recourse against the insurers only and the Company shall not be under any responsibility or liability whatsoever in relation thereto upon the policy may not be at the same rate as that charged by the Company or paid to the Company by its customers.
13. Except in accordance with express instructions previously received in writing and accepted in writing by the Company, the Company shall not be obliged to make any declaration for the purposes of any statute, convention or contract as to the nature of value of any Goods or as to any special interest in delivery.
14. Unless otherwise previously agreed in writing or otherwise provided for under the provisions of a document signed by the Company, instructions relating to the delivery or release of Goods against payment or against surrender of a particular document shall be in writing and not exceed that provided for in respect of misdelivery of Goods.
15. Unless otherwise previously agreed in writing that the Goods shall depart or arrive by a particular date, the Company accepts no responsibility for departure or arrival dates of Goods.
General Indemnities
16. (A) The Customer and Owner shall defensa, indemnify and hold harmless the Company against all liability, loss, damage, costs and expenses arising (i) from the nature of the goods unless caused by the Company's negligence, (ii)out of the Company acting in accordance with the Customer's or Owner's instructions, or (iii) arising from a breach of warranty or obligation by the Customer or arising from the negligence of the Customer or Owner.
(B) Except to the extent caused by the Company's negligence, the Customer and Owner shall be liable for and shall defensa, indemnify and hold harmless the Company in respect of all duties, taxes, imposts, levies, deposits and outlays of whatsoever nature by any Authority and for all payments, fines, costs, expenses, loss and damage whatsoever incurred or sustained by the Company in connection therewith.
(C) Advice and information, in whatever form it may be given, are provided by the Company for the Customer only and the Customer shall defensa, indemnify and hold harmless the Company for all liability, loss, damage, costs and expenses arising out of any other person relying on such advice or information.
(D) (i) The Customer undertakes that no claim be made against any servant, sub-contractor or agent of the Company which imposes or attempts to impose upon any of them any liability whatsoever in connection with the Goods, if any such claim should nevertheless be made, to indemnify the Company against all consequences thereof.
(ii) Without prejudice to the foregoing, every such servant sub-contractor or agent shall have the benefit of all provisions herein, as if such provisions were expressly for their benefit. In entering into this contract the Company, to the extent of those provisions, does so not only on his behalf, but as agent and trustee for such servants, subcontractors and agents.
(iii) The Customer shall defensa, indemnify and hold harmless the Company from and against all claims, costs and demands whatsoever and by whomsoever made or preferred in excess of the liability of the Company under the terms of these Conditions and withj of this clause this indemnity shall cover all claims, costs and demands arising from or in connection with the negligence of the Company, its servants, sub-contractors and agents.
(iv) In this clause, "sub-contractors" includes direct and indirect subcontractors and their respective servants and agents.
(E) The Customer shall be liable for the loss, damage, contamination, soiling, detention or demurrage before, during and after the Carriage of property (including, but not limited to, Containers) of the Company or any person or vessel referred to in (D) above caused by the Customer or Owner or any person acting on behalf of either of them or for which the Customer is otherwise responsible.
17. (A) The Customer shall pay to the Company in cash or as agreed all sums immediately when due without deduction or deferment on account of any claims, counterclaim or set-off.
(B) When the Company is instructed to collect freight, duties, charges or other expenses from any person other than the Customer, the Customer shall be responsible for the same on receipt of evidence of demand and non payment by such other person when due.
(C) On all amounts overdue to the Company, the Company shall be entitled to interest, calculated at 4 per cent above base rate of the HSBC in Hong Kong applicable during the period that such amounts are overdue.
Liberties and Rights of Company
18. The Company shall be entitled, except insofar as has been otherwise agreed in writing, to enter into contracts on behalf of itself or the Customer and without notice to the Customer
(A) for the carriage of Goods by any route, means or person,
(B) for the carriage of Goods of any description whether containerised or not on or under the deck of any vessel,
(C) for the storage, packing, transshipment, loading, unloading or handling of Goods by any person at any place whether on shore or afloat and for any length of time,
(D) for the carriage or storage of Goods in containers or with other goods of whatever nature,
(E) for the performance of its own obligations, and to do such acts as in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or incidental to the performance of the Company's obligations.
19. (A) The Company shall be entitled but under no obligation, to depart from the Customer's instructions in any respect if in the opinion of the Company there is good reason to do so in the Customer's interest and it shall not thereby incur any additional liability。
(B) The Company may at any time comply with the orders or recommendations given by any Authority. The responsibility of the Company in respect of the Goods shall cease on the delivery or other disposition of the Goods in accordance with such orders or recommendations.
20. If at any time the performance of the Company's obligations, in the opinion of the Company or any person whose services the Company makes use of, is or is likely to be affected by any hindrance, risk, delay, difficulty or disadvantage whatsever which cannot be avoided by reasonable endeavours by the Company or such other person, the Company may, on giving notice in writing to the Customer or Owner or without notice where it is not reasonably possible to give such notice, treat the perform terminated and place the Goods or any part of them at the Customer or Owner's disposal at any place which the Company may deem safe and convenient, whereupon the responsibility of the Company in respect of the Goods shall cease. The Customer shall be responsible for any additional costs of carriage to and delivery and storage at such place and all other expenses incurred by the Company.
21. If delivery of the Goods or any part thereof is not taken by the Customer or Owner at the time and place when and where the Company, or any person whose services the Company makes use of, is entitled to call upon the Customer or Owner to take delivery thereof, the Company or such other person shall be entitled to store the Goods in the open or under cover at the sole risk and expense of the Customer.
22. Notwithstanding clauses 20 and 21, the Company shall be entitled but under no obligation at the expense of the Customer payable on demand and without any liability to the Customer and Owner, to sell or dispose of
(A) on giving 21 days notice in writing to the Customer all Goods which in the opinion of the Company cannot be delivered as instructed, and
(B) without notice Goods which have perished, deteriorated or altered, or are in immediate prospect of doing so in a manner which has caused or may be reasonably expected to cause loss or damage to any person or property or to contravene applicable regulations.
23. The Company shall have a particular and general lien on all Goods or documents relating to Goods in its possession for all sums due at any time from the Customer or Owner and on giving 28 days notice in writing to the Customer, shall be entitled to sell or dispose of such Goods or documents at the expense of the Customer and without any liability to the Customer and Owner and apply the proceeds in or towards the payment of such sums.
24. The Company shall be entitled to retain and be paid all brokerages, commissions, allowances and other remunerations customarily retained by or paid to freight forwarders.
25. The Company shall have the right to enforce against the Owner and the Customer jointly and severally any liability of the Customer under these Conditions or to recover from them any sums to be paid by the Customer which upon demand have not been paid.
26. (A) If a Container has not been packed nor stuffed by the Company, the Company shall not be liable for loss of or damage to the contents if caused by:
(i) the manner in which the Container has been packed or stuffed,
(ii) the unsuitability of the contents for carriage in containers, unless the Company has approved the suitability,
(iii) the unsuitability or defective condition of the Container provided that where the Container has been supplied by or on behalf of the Company this paragraph (iii) shall only apply if the unsuitability or defective condition arose (a) without any negli of the Company or (b) would have been apparent upon reasonable inspection by the Customer or Owner or person acting on behalf of either of them, (iv) if the Container is not sealed at the commencement of the Carriage except where the Company has agreed to seal the Container.
(B) The Customer shall defensa, indemnify and hold harmless the Company against all liability, loss, damage, costs and expenses arising from one or more of the matters covered by (A) above except for (A) (iii) (a) above。
(C) Where the Company is instructed to provide a Container, in the absence of a written request to the contrary, the Company is not under an obligation to provide a Container of any particular type or quality.
General Liability
27. (A) Except insofar as otherwise provided by these Conditions, the Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from:
(a) the act or omission of the Customer or Owner or any person acting on their behalf,
(b) compliance with the instructions given to the Company by the Customer, Owner or any other person entitled to give them,
(c) insufficiency of the packing or labelling of the Goods except where such service has been provided by the Company,
(d) handling, loading, stowage or unloading of the Goods by the Customer or Owner or any person acting on their behalf,
(e) inherent vice of the Goods,
(f) riots, civil commotions, strikes, lockouts, stoppage or restraint of labour from whatsoever cause,
(g) fire, flood or storm, or
(h) any cause which the Company could not avoid and the consequences whereof it could not prevent by the exercise of reasonable diligence.
(B) Subject to clause 15, howsoever caused the Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to property other than the Goods themselves, indirect or consequential loss or damage, loss of profit, delay or deviation.
Amount of Compensation
28. Except in so far as otherwise provided by these Conditions, the liability of the Company, howsoever arising, and notwithstanding that the cause of loss or damage be unexplained shall not exceed the following
(A) in respect of all claims other than those subject to the provisions of sub-clause (B) below, whichever is the least of
(i) the value of, or
(ii) 100 SDR per gross kilogram of,
the Goods lost, damaged, misdirected, mis-delivered or in respect of which a claim arises.
(B) In respect of claims for delay where not excluded by the provisions of these Conditions, the amount of the Company's charges in respect of the Goods delayed.
(C) In no event shall the Company's liability under one or more of sub-clause (A) to (B) exceed 75,000 SDR per event or events arising from a common cause.
29. (A) Compensation shall be calculated by reference to the invoice value of the Goods plus freight and insurance if paid.
(B) If there be no invoice value for the Goods, the compensation shall be calculated by reference to the value of such Goods at the place and time when they are delivered to the Customer or Owner or should have been so delivered. The value of the Goods shall be fixed according to the current market price, or, if there be no commodity exchange price or current market price, by reference to the normal value of goods of the same kind and quality.
30. By special agreement in writing and on payment of additional charges, higher compensation may be claimed from the Company not exceeding the value of the Goods or the agreed value, whichever is the lesser.
Notice of loss, Time Bar
31. (A) The Company shall be discharged of all liability unless:
(i) notice of any claim is received in writing by the Company or its agent within 14 days after the date specified in (B) below, or within a reasonable time after such date if the Customer proves that it was impossible to so notif and
(ii) suit is brought in the proper forum as specified under clause 37 and written notice thereof received by the Company within 9 months after the date specified in (B) below.
(B) (i) in the case of loss or damage to Goods, the date of delivery of the Goods,
(ii) in the case of delay or non-delivery of the Goods, the date that the Goods should have been delivered,
(iii) in any other case, the event giving rise to the claim.
General Average
32. The Customer shall defensa, indemnify and hold harmless the Company in respect of any claims of a General Average nature which may be made on the Company and the Customer shall provide such security as may be required by the Company in this connection.
33. Any notice served by post shall be deemed to have to be given on the third day following the day on which it was posted to the address of the recipient of such notice last known to the Company.
34. The defences and limits of liability provided for by these Conditions shall apply in any action against the Company whether such action be founded in contract or tort.
35. If any legislation is compulsorily applicable to any business undertaken, these Conditions shall, as regards such business, be read as subject to such legislation and nothing in these Conditions shall be construed as a surrender by the Company of any of its rights or immunities or as an increase of any of its responsibilities or liabilities under such legislation and if any part of these Conditions be repugnant to such legislation to any extent such part shall as regards such business be over-ridden to that extent and no further.
36. Headings of clauses or groups of clauses in these Conditions are for indicative purposes only.
Jurisdiction and Law
37. These Conditions and any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with the services of the Company shall be subject to Hong Kong law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.
Special Liability and Indemnity Conditions
38. (A) To the extent that the Company acts as an agent, the Company does not make or purport to make any contract with the Customer for the carriage, storage or handling of the Goods nor for any other physical service in relation to them and acts solely on behalf of the Customer in securing such services by establishing contracts with third parties so that direct contractual relationships are established between the Customer and such third parties.
(B) The Company shall not be liable for the acts and omissions of such third parties referred to in sub-clause (A) above.
39. (A) The Company when acting as an agent has the authority of the Customer to enter into contracts on the Customer's behalf and to do such acts so as to bind the Customer by such contracts and acts in all respects notwithstanding any departure from the Customer's instructions.
(B) Except to the extent caused by the Company's negligence, the Customer shall defensa, indemnify and hold harmless the Company in respect of all liability, loss, damage, costs or expenses arising out of any contracts made in the procurement of the Customer's in accordance with clause 38.
Choice of Rates
40. Where there is a choice of rates according to the extent or degree of liability assumed by persons carrying, storing, handling the Goods, no declaration of value where optional will be made unless otherwise agreed in writing.
Special Liability Conditions
41. To the extent that the Company contracts as principal for the performance of the Customer's instructions, the Company undertakes to perform or in its own name to procure the performances of the Customer's instructions and subject to the provisions of these Conditions shall be liable for the loss of or damage to the Goods occurring from the time that the Goods are taken into its charge until the time of delivery.
42. Notwithstanding other provisions in these Conditions, if it can be proved where the loss of or damage to the Goods occurred, the Company's liability shall be determined by the provisions contained in any international convention or national law, the provisions of which
(A) cannot be departed from by private contract, to the detriment of the claimant, and
(B) would have applied if the claimant had made a separate and direct contract with the actual provider of the particular service in respect of that service or stage of carriage where the loss or damage occurred and received as evidence thereof any particular document which must be issued if such international convention or national law shall apply.
43. Notwithstanding other provisions in these Condition, if it can be proved that the loss of or damage to the Goods occurred at sea or inland waterway and the provisions of clause 42 do not apply, the Company's liability shall be determined by the Hague Reference in the Hague Rules to carriage by sea shall be deemed to include reference to carriage by inland waterways and the Hague Rules shall be construed accordingly.
44. Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 42 if the loss of or damage to the Goods occurred at sea or on inland waterways, and the Owner, Charterer or operator of the vessel establishes a limitation fund, the liability of the Company shall be limited to the proportion of the said limitation fund allocated to the Goods.
45. Air Carriage
If the Company acts as a principal in respect of a carriage of Goods by air, the following notice is hereby given:
If the carriage involves an ultimate destination or stop in a country other than the country of departure, the Warsaw Convention may be applicable and the Convention governs and in most cases limits the liability of carriers in respect of loss of or damage to cargo. Agreed stopping places are those places (other than the places of departure and destination) shown under requested routing and / or those places shown in carriers' timetables as scheduled stopping places for the route. The address of the first carrier is the airport of departure.
46. Both to Blame Collision Clause
The current Both-to-Blame Collision Clause as adopted by BIMCO is incorporated in these conditions.
The Company facilitates the movement of goods, services and technology for its customers (the “Services”), all of which are subject to various export control laws and regulations of various jurisdictions, including but not limited to those imposed by the United States Department of Commerce and the United States Department of State, and similar laws and regulations in other applicable jurisdictions (“Export Laws”). Such Export Laws limit the shipment of goods, services or technology to certain individuals, companies and organizations and limit the delivery or facilitation of the delivery of goods, services or technology to certain countries and regions and have licensure or other approval requi. The Company takes the compliance with such Export Laws seriously and has taken various measures to ensure that it is in full compliance with such laws and regulations. However, it is a condition for the Services provided by the Company, that the customer complies with all Export Laws, and understands that the Company shall not be responsible for any violations thereof.
The customer certifies that they are aware of and in compliance with all Export Laws and has the sole responsibility for obtaining any required export licenses, permits or approvals. By requesting the Services, the customer certifies that it has the sole responsibility for, and shall assume any liability for violations of any Export Laws and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Customer, its officers, employees and agents from any claims, or loses arising from any violation of such laws.
The Company reserves the right to report any suspected violations of Export Laws by the customer to the relevant regulatory authorities, including but not limited to: (i) The United States Department of Commerce, specifically the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), ( ii) the United States Department of State, specifically the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), (iii) appropriate authorities within the European Union and (iv) any other applicable national and international regulatory bodies.