TracX Logis Introduction

Customer Satisfaction & Customer Experience is our priority.

TracX Logis Global Network


TracX Logis Inc has started logistic services based on the partnership with IPO for overseas deliveries other than Singapore, Japan, China, Indonesia and Malaysia. Especially for Japan, TracX Logis Korea branch has Busan the second domestic hub port. Besides, IT platform R&D center and Qtrading operation unit are based in Seoul, Korea office so that Korea branch is playing an important role in all directions of all around business fields.

Business Area
TxCourier / TxFS / Qtrading / TxService
TracX Logis Incheon DPC (For overseas shipment only)
30, Yeongjongsunhwan-ro 900beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea 22362
T : +82-02-2620-1139(1118)